Our Disinfecting Policies to Protect You During Coronavirus and Other Viral Seasons


We have always made sterilization and disinfection of our office a priority. That in itself protects you from possible disease transmission during this outbreak as well as any viral season.

Here are the policies that we have in place:

  1. We ask every patient to wash his or her hands in our presence in the treatment room. That is for at least 20 seconds using soap and water.
  2. Our staff and doctors wash their hands in the presence of the patient at the beginning of every visit. We liberally use hand sanitizer.
  3. We clean our instruments in two areas after treatment. One is by the assistants in the treatment room. The second is by our sterilization assistant in the sterilization room. That is done under 2.5X magnification.
  4. We disinfect all common areas such as door handles, knobs, public sur-faces both in the treatment rooms and the reception room and front desk area, bathroom faucets, toilet handles, seats, etc. on a frequent basis throughout the day.
  5. We use new masks and gloves for every patient.
  6. We cover all surfaces, hoses and electronics with plastic wrap. The plastic wrap is changed between patients.
  7. We encourage you as well as our staff to avoid touching our faces.
  8. If you are ill, please reschedule your appointment with us. We are sending any patient or staff member home who has symptoms of illness. We are happy to answer any questions regarding our disinfection and sterilization policies and look forward to making every visit to our office safe, comfortable, and effective.